
Penetration Testing

  • November 27, 2023By rocheston

    When conducting a penetration test, security professionals may need to bypass Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) to understand the level of security of the target infrastructure. An IPS is designed to examine network traffic in order to detect and prevent vulnerability exploits. While an ethical hacker’s intention isn’t malicious, the methods used to bypass an IPS

  • November 27, 2023By rocheston

    Executing a Red Team operation, particularly against financial institutions, requires a detailed plan, sophisticated tools, precision, and a thorough understanding of cybersecurity and financial regulations. Red Teams simulate the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of real-world attackers, with the goal of identifying security weaknesses before malicious actors can exploit them. I. Planning Phase Objective Setting

  • November 27, 2023By rocheston

    Conducting an advanced penetration test on a corporate network involves a series of systematic steps designed to identify and exploit vulnerabilities, measure the level of security, and assess the effectiveness of defenses. Penetration testing should be done carefully and ethically, with permissions and defined scope, to avoid unintended disruptions or legal issues. Pre-Engagement and Planning
