
How to Exploit Common Web Application Vulnerabilities Like a Pro

November 27, 20235 min read

Exploiting web application vulnerabilities is a complex process that requires a deep understanding of security principles, web technologies, and hacking techniques. Professionals in this field often use their skills for ethical purposes, such as penetration testing or security assessment. In this guide, we will discuss some common web application vulnerabilities and how they can be exploited by professionals—strictly for educational and ethical purposes.

Understanding the Attack Surface

  • Reconnaissance: Begin with collecting as much information as possible about the target. Use tools like Nmap, Shodan, or Google Dorks to find out open ports, services running, software versions, and hidden directories.
  • Enumeration: List all entry points to the application, such as forms, URL parameters, and API endpoints. Tools like DirBuster, Burp Suite, or OWASP ZAP can be useful here.
  • Fingerprinting: Determine the technologies used by the web application (e.g., frameworks, server software, CMS). Tools like Wappalyzer or BuiltWith can aid in this task.

SQL Injection (SQLi)

  • Identification: Detect SQL injection points by supplying malicious SQL segments in input fields or query parameters. Look for error messages or other indications of SQL query interference.
  • Tooling: Use automated tools like SQLmap for identifying and exploiting SQLi vulnerabilities or manually craft SQL payloads tailored to the target’s database engine.
  • Exploitation:
    • Union-based SQLi: Use the UNION SQL operator to combine the results of the original query with results from another query.
    • Error-based SQLi: Extract information from the database by causing the database to generate error messages.
    • Blind SQLi: Infer data from the database by sending a series of true/false questions and observing the web application’s responses.
  • Mitigation: Validate all input data on the server side, use prepared statements with parameterized queries, and employ ORM frameworks that abstract raw SQL.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

  • Identification: Look for places where user input is reflected back onto the page without proper sanitization. Craft payloads that include JavaScript and observe if they execute.
  • Payload Crafting: Develop unique XSS payloads that bypass input sanitization filters. Test for both Stored and Reflected XSS.
  • Exploitation:
    • Reflected XSS: Inject a script into a web page that is immediately executed when the page is loaded.
    • Stored XSS: Insert a script into the database or another storage mechanism that will be executed whenever the stored data is displayed.
  • Mitigation: Input validation, output encoding, use of content security policies, and implementation of anti-XSS libraries.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

  • Identification: Determine if there are state-changing requests (like form submissions) that do not require per-request tokens or do not validate the user session adequately.
  • Exploitation:
    • Craft HTML or Javascript that forces a user’s browser to send a pre-authenticated request to the vulnerable website, performing actions on behalf of the user without their consent.
  • Mitigation: Implement anti-CSRF tokens, ensure per-session or per-request tokens, and employ same-origin policies.

Remote Code Execution (RCE)

  • Identification: Look for inputs or API endpoints that may be manipulated to execute arbitrary code on the server, such as file upload features or command injection points.
  • Exploitation:
    • File Uploads: Exploit insecure file upload implementations to upload, execute, or interpret malicious files.
    • Command Injection: Insert malicious commands into forms or URL parameters that are executed by the server’s operating system.
  • Mitigation: Safe execution contexts, input validation, secure configuration settings, principle of least privilege, and code signing.

Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR)

  • Identification: Find functionalities where internal objects like files or data records are referenced directly without proper authorization checks.
  • Exploitation:
    • Manipulate references to access unauthorized data, such as replacing or incrementing parameter values in the URL.
  • Mitigation: Implement strict access controls, use indirect reference maps, and verify that each request is coming from an authorized session.

Best Practices for Ethical Exploitation

  • Permission: Ensure you have explicit authorization to test the target application.
  • Scoping: Clearly define the boundaries of the assessment. Know what is off-limits.
  • Responsible Disclosure: If vulnerabilities are found, report them to the organization responsible for the web application.
  • Legal and Ethical Considerations: Ensure that all activities comply with local laws and ethical standards.

Note: The purpose of this guide is to highlight the methodology used for penetration testing and should not be seen as an encouragement or guidance for malicious activities. Always practice ethical hacking and respect privacy and legal boundaries.
