
A Guide to Auditing Your Cybersecurity Policies for SOX Compliance

November 26, 20235 min read


The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) was passed in 2002 to protect investors by improving the accuracy and reliability of corporate disclosures. It includes regulations on financial reporting, internal control over finances, and requirements for compliance audits. As information technology plays a crucial role in maintaining accurate financial records, the cybersecurity policies of a company are implicitly encompassed within the scope of SOX compliance. This guide delves into auditing your cybersecurity policies to ensure they meet SOX compliance standards.

Understanding SOX Compliance and Cybersecurity

Before initiating an audit, it’s essential to comprehend the aspects of SOX that relate to cybersecurity:

  • Section 404: Mandates the establishment of internal controls and procedures for financial reporting.
  • Section 302: Requires corporate management, including the CEO and CFO, to certify the accuracy of financial statements, which implies ensuring IT systems that store financial data are secure.

Pre-Audit Planning

Engaging in exhaustive pre-audit planning will set the stage for a successful cybersecurity policy audit for SOX compliance:

  • Identify the Audit Scope: Determine which systems are involved in financial reporting and therefore within the scope of SOX.
  • Assemble the Audit Team: Include individuals with expertise in SOX compliance, cybersecurity, and preferably someone familiar with the auditing process.
  • Review Previous Audits: Examine prior audit reports to acknowledge past vulnerabilities and measure progress.
  • Establish Audit Objectives: Define clear objectives, which could include validating the effectiveness of current cybersecurity policies, controls, and procedure alignment with SOX requirements.

Key Areas for Cybersecurity Policy Auditing

To ensure comprehensive coverage, your audit should address several key areas of cybersecurity policy:

Risk Assessment and Management

  • Identify and Classify Assets: Which assets are related to financial reporting and where do they reside?
  • Threat Analysis: What threats do these assets face regarding confidentiality, integrity, and availability?
  • Risk Mitigation Strategies: What measures are in place to address identified risks?

Access Controls

  • User Authentication: Examine how users are authenticated, and review password policies and two-factor authentication procedures.
  • Authorization and Permissions: Confirm that permissions are granted based on the principle of least privilege and that there is a process for regular review.

Data Encryption

  • Data at Rest: Ensure that sensitive financial data is encrypted when stored.
  • Data in Transit: Verify encryption of data being transmitted over networks.

Change Management

  • Change Approval: Assess the procedures for approving changes to systems involved in financial reporting.
  • Change Documentation: Confirm that changes are logged and documented appropriately.

Incident Response Plan

  • Plan Evaluation: Review the response plan for cybersecurity incidents, especially those that could impact financial data.
  • Testing and Drills: Evaluate the frequency and effectiveness of incident response drills.

Network Security

  • Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems: Check the deployment and configuration of security devices protecting the network.
  • Vulnerability Assessments: Ensure regular checks are conducted to identify and remediate vulnerabilities.

Audit Trails and Logging

  • Log Management: Review policies for the creation, maintenance, and review of logs related to financial systems.
  • Integrity Monitoring: Confirm the presence of mechanisms to recognize and report alterations to logs or audited systems.

Conducting the Audit

With the planning and key areas outlined, the audit can commence through the following steps:

  • Document Review: Collect and evaluate existing cybersecurity policies, procedures, and control documentation.
  • Control Testing: Perform tests to verify that the cybersecurity controls are operating effectively.
  • Interviews: Talk to key personnel responsible for implementing cybersecurity policies and controls.
  • Observation: Observe processes and controls in action.
  • System Testing: Conduct system tests to validate technical controls, such as penetration testing.

Reporting and Remediation

Audit Results

  • Findings: Document any deficiencies or areas that do not comply with SOX requirements.
  • Recommendations: Offer actionable recommendations to improve cybersecurity policies and compliance.


  • Remediation Plan: Develop a plan to address deficiencies found during the audit.
  • Follow-Up: Plan for follow-up audits to assure that remediation efforts have been effective.

Conclusion and Maintenance

The ultimate objective of the audit should be to ensure that cybersecurity policies not only comply with SOX requirements but also provide a robust framework for protecting financial data against ongoing and emerging threats. Maintaining an iterative process of auditing, reporting, and remediating will enforce a state of continuous improvement. Regularly scheduled audits are pivotal to adapt policies to new threats, technologies, and business practices, thus ensuring ongoing SOX compliance.
