
How to Automate Threat Intelligence with Azure Logic Apps and Microsoft Defender

November 30, 20235 min read

The integration of Azure Logic Apps and Microsoft Defender for Endpoint can streamline the process of automating threat intelligence. These tools enable organizations to react swiftly to threats by automating responses and integrating various services. Below, we detail how to automate threat intelligence using these resources.

Understanding the Components

Azure Logic Apps

  • A cloud service that helps to automate workflows across multiple apps and services without the need for developers to write complex code.
  • Allows the scheduling, automation, and orchestration of tasks, business processes, and workflows.

Microsoft Defender

  • Part of Microsoft 365 defense solutions, it provides preventative protection, post-breach detection, automated investigation, and response.
  • Offers advanced threat intelligence and analytical tools.

Setting Up Azure Logic Apps


  • An Azure subscription.
  • Proper permissions to create and manage Logic Apps and connections to Microsoft Defender or other required services.

Creating a Logic App

  • Navigate to the Azure portal.
  • Select “Create a resource” and search for Logic Apps.
  • Fill in the form with details such as the Logic App name, subscription, resource group, and location.
  • Click on “Review + create” and then “Create”.

Configuring a Logic App

  • Once the deployment is complete, go to the resource.
  • Use the visual designer to start creating the workflow.
  • Choose from a variety of triggers (e.g., HTTP requests, schedule, or service-specific triggers like new email in Outlook).

Integrating Microsoft Defender

Configure Triggers from Microsoft Defender

  • In the Logic Apps Designer, look for Microsoft Defender triggers.
  • Select a specific trigger, for example, “When a response to an Azure Defender alert is triggered”.
  • Configure the trigger with necessary parameters, such as subscription ID, resource group, or alert severity.

Consider Scheduled Trigger

  • For recurring processes, you may want to schedule your logic app to run at specific intervals.
  • You can choose a “Recurrence” trigger and set up the frequency.

Automating Actions Based on Threat Intelligence

Define Logic for Automated Responses

  • Following the trigger, set conditions or actions based on the data extracted from the alert.
  • For example, you can configure an action to isolate a machine if a certain type of malware is detected.

Common Automated Actions

  • Send an email notification to the security team.
  • Create an incident in Azure Sentinel.
  • Add a malicious IP to a firewall block list.

Using Connectors

  • Azure Logic Apps provides connectors for various services like Office 365, Azure Storage, and more.
  • Example: Use the Office 365 connector to send email alerts about threats automatically.

Testing and Deployment

Test the Logic App

  • Manually trigger the Logic App from within the designer to test the flow.
  • Ensure that all connectors are authorized and conditions are set up correctly.

Monitor and Analyze

  • After it’s up and running, regularly monitor the Logic App’s performance.
  • Utilize the in-built monitoring and logging to troubleshoot and optimize the workflows.

Deployment Considerations

  • Enable versioning and keep a backup of your Logic App workflows.
  • Ensure you have a rollback strategy in case of failure.

Maintaining and Updating

Regular Updates

  • Keep the Logic App and its components regularly updated according to the latest threat intelligence.
  • Update connectors, schemas, and logic as new threat patterns emerge.

Staying Informed

  • Subscribe to security feeds and enact changes rapidly through the Logic Apps interface.
  • Utilize the built-in Defender for Endpoint threat intelligence for dynamically evolving your security posture.

Leverage Community Templates

  • Explore the Logic Apps community for templates that can accelerate the process of setting up complex workflows for threat intelligence and response.

By automating threat intelligence with Azure Logic Apps and Microsoft Defender, organizations can significantly reduce the response time to breaches and enhance their overall security posture. The detailed steps outlined above provide a structured approach to implementing this automation.
