
How to Prepare Your Cybersecurity for the Quantum Computing Era

November 25, 20236 min read

Quantum computing promises to bring about a revolution in computing power, leveraging the strange properties of quantum mechanics to perform calculations at speeds unimaginable with today’s classical computers. However, this power comes with considerable cybersecurity implications. The cryptographic protocols that currently protect our digital communications could potentially be broken by a quantum computer, leading to a need for “quantum-resistant” cybersecurity measures. Here’s a detailed guide on how to prepare for the quantum computing era:

  1. Understand Quantum Computing and Its Impacts:

    Educate yourself and your team about what quantum computing is and why it poses a threat to current encryption methods. Quantum computing operates on quantum bits, or qubits, which unlike classical bits can exist in multiple states simultaneously (superposition) and can be correlated with one another even when separated by large distances (entanglement). This allows quantum computers to solve certain problems much more efficiently than classical computers, including the factoring of large numbers, which underpins many current encryption methods.

  2. Assess Current Cryptographic Practices:

    Conduct an audit of the cryptographic systems you’re currently using. Identify systems that rely on encryption vulnerable to quantum computing, such as RSA and ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography). You need to understand which assets—whether hardware, software, or data—need to be secured against the future threat of quantum computers.

  3. Prioritize Data and Systems:

    Determine which data and systems are most critical to protect. Some confidential information might remain sensitive in the future, therefore thinking about long-term secrecy is important. If your data needs protection over the next 20 to 30 years, it is essential to consider post-quantum cryptography now.

  4. Monitor Advances in Quantum Computing and Cryptography:

    Keep a close eye on the development of quantum computers and quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and other international bodies are in the process of evaluating and standardizing post-quantum cryptographic (PQC) algorithms.

  5. Begin Transition Planning for Post-Quantum Cryptography:

    Start planning for a transition to quantum-resistant algorithms early, to avoid a scramble to upgrade systems when quantum computers do become a threat. This should include a plan for migration, with an understanding of how new algorithms will affect your system’s performance and the compatibility with hardware and software.

  6. Implement Quantum-Safe Encryption:

    As standards for PQC are established, begin implementing these quantum-resistant algorithms in your systems, especially for features like digital signatures, encryption, and key exchange mechanisms. Hybrid systems which use a combination of classical and quantum-safe algorithms can offer security against current threats while being prepared for future ones.

  7. Educate Stakeholders:

    Ensure that everyone in the organization, from the top down, understands the threats posed by quantum computing and the steps being taken to counter them. Cybersecurity is not only a technical issue but also an organizational one.

  8. Update Incident Response and Business Continuity Plans:

    Update your cybersecurity incident response and business continuity plans to account for potential quantum attacks. In the era of quantum computing, data stolen today might be decrypted in the future when a quantum computer becomes available.

  9. Protect Against Quantum Key Distribution (QKD):

    While not a solution for all problems, Quantum Key Distribution can be used to enhance the security of data transmission. QKD uses the properties of quantum mechanics to secure the key exchange process. Start considering if this technology can be integrated into your critical infrastructure.

  10. Increase Security for Current Systems:

    While preparing for future quantum threats, it’s important to ensure that existing systems are as secure as possible. Review and enhance current cybersecurity practices, ensuring that you’re not vulnerable to present-day attacks.

  11. Engage with the Cybersecurity Community:

    Cybersecurity against quantum threats is a developing field—by staying active within a community of experts, you can keep up-to-date with the latest advice, share experiences, and collaborate on best practices.

  12. Retrofitting and Future-Proofing:

    While implementing new algorithms, also think about flexible architectures that would allow you to retrofit security solutions as new quantum-proof technologies emerge. This might involve modular cryptographic functions or the deployment of crypto-agile systems that can be easily updated in response to advancements.

  13. Regularly Review and Revise Cybersecurity Strategies:

    Continually revise and update your cybersecurity strategy. New threats can emerge quickly, and so your approach to security needs to be dynamic and responsive.

While fully-fledged quantum computers capable of breaking current cryptographic systems might not exist for some years, the threat is significant enough that preparing for the quantum computing era now is essential. The steps to secure your organization’s future in the face of quantum computing should be incremental, strategic, and always informed by the latest research and development in the field.
