
How to Protect Against and Test for Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks

November 28, 20235 min read

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks can be devastating to any online operation. They are designed to overwhelm your systems with traffic to the point where they can no longer respond to legitimate requests. Protecting against these attacks involves a multi-faceted approach that includes both preventative measures and reactive techniques.

Prevention Strategies

Preventing DDoS attacks requires a combination of hardware and software defenses, as well as a well-thought-out strategy that includes the following steps:

  • Risk Assessment
    • Evaluate the risks by performing a threat analysis.
    • Identify critical assets and determine their vulnerabilities to DDoS attacks.
  • Infrastructure Design
    • Build redundancy into your network to ensure service continuity.
    • Use a multi-tier infrastructure design to segregate services and diffuse potential impact points.
  • Bandwidth Overprovisioning
    • Increase your bandwidth provision to absorb larger traffic volumes.
    • Keep in mind this is not a foolproof solution but can buy precious time to mitigate an attack.
  • Implement Network Security Measures
    • Deploy firewalls and intrusion prevention systems to identify and block malicious traffic.
    • Rate limiting to control traffic amount allowed per second.
    • Use Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) to protect web applications from various attacks.
  • Anti-DDoS Hardware and Software
    • Invest in anti-DDoS solutions that can detect unusual traffic flows and respond immediately.
    • Some solutions offer ‘scrubbing centers’ that filter out malicious traffic before it reaches your servers.
  • Cloud-based DDoS Protection Services
    • Cloud services can absorb large amounts of traffic and provide scalable defenses.
    • These services often use advanced analytics to differentiate between legitimate users and attack traffic.
  • Create a Response Plan
    • Develop an incident response plan detailing steps to take in the event of a DDoS attack.
    • Train your staff in DDoS attack recognition and the execution of the response plan.
  • Continuous Monitoring
    • Implement 24/7 network monitoring to detect the early warning signs of a DDoS attack.
    • Regularly check for anomalies in traffic that could indicate a brewing DDoS attack.
  • An ISP That Can Help
    • Maintain a good relationship with your ISP, as they can be instrumental in mitigating a DDoS attack.
    • Some ISPs provide DDoS mitigation services as part of their package.
  • Regular Stress Testing
    • Engage in regular stress testing of your system to ensure that it can handle traffic spikes.

Best Practices for Reactive Response

When an attack happens, you need to be prepared to respond quickly and efficiently. Here are some best practices to consider:

  • Activate Your Response Plan
    • Implement your DDoS response plan with clearly defined roles for all team members.
  • Traffic Analysis
    • Analyze incoming traffic to identify the nature of the attack (volumetric, protocol, or application-layer).
  • Engage Your ISP
    • Immediately inform your ISP to see if they can reroute or scrub the traffic before it becomes overwhelming.
  • Engage Your DDoS Mitigation Service
    • If you have a third-party DDoS protection service, alert them to activate their DDoS defenses.
  • Keep Stakeholders Informed
    • Communicate with stakeholders, including customers, about the status of the attack and its management.

How to Test for DDoS Attack Vulnerabilities

Testing your network’s defenses against DDoS attacks can ensure that when a real attack occurs, your systems will be as prepared as possible to defend against it.

Planning the Test

  • Set clear objectives and scope for the test.
  • Get the necessary permissions from service providers.
  • Schedule the test for a low-traffic time to minimize the impact on operations.

Conducting the Test

  • DDoS Simulation Tools
    • Utilize DDoS simulation tools that can generate high volumes of traffic from multiple sources directed at your network.
  • Professional DDoS Testing Services
    • Hire professional DDoS testing services for a more comprehensive evaluation.
  • Monitoring Tools
    • Use network monitoring tools during the test to measure your system’s response in real-time.

Post-Test Analysis

  • Analyze the test data to identify weak points in your defense.
  • Update your response plan and infrastructure based upon the test results.
  • Train team members on any new protocols or system updates.

Continuous Improvements

  • Use test findings to harden defenses.
  • Schedule regular retesting to ensure ongoing robustness against evolving DDoS tactics.

DDoS testing should be conducted regularly and responsibly, in accordance with all legal and ethical considerations. It’s important not to impact or compromise any third-party systems during such tests. Always engage in best practices for responsible disclosure if you discover vulnerabilities that could affect others outside your organization.
