
How to Set Up and Use Kali Linux for Penetration Testing

November 28, 20235 min read

Introduction to Kali Linux

Kali Linux is a Debian-based Linux distribution designed specifically for digital forensics and penetration testing. It comes pre-installed with a wide array of tools for hacking and security research. Kali is developed by Offensive Security and is a successor to the BackTrack Linux project.

System Requirements

Before setting up Kali Linux, ensure your system meets the following requirements:

  • Minimum:
    • 20 GB of hard disk space
    • 2 GB of RAM
    • An x86 processor
  • Recommended:
    • 40 GB or more of hard disk space
    • 4 GB or more of RAM


1. Download Kali Linux

Download the ISO image from the official Kali Linux website (https://www.kali.org). Choose the correct version (32-bit or 64-bit) depending on your system’s capabilities.

2. Create Bootable USB/CD

  • Use software like Rufus, BalenaEtcher, or UNetbootin to create bootable media.
  • Select the Kali Linux ISO and the drive letter of your USB stick or CD.

3. Boot from Media

  • Insert the bootable USB or CD into your system.
  • Restart the system and press the key to enter the boot menu (usually F12, F2, or Del).

4. Install Kali Linux

  • In the boot menu, select the option to boot from your USB/CD.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions. You can choose to install Kali using the graphical installer or the text-based installer.
  • Create partitions on your hard drive if necessary, and select the partition where Kali Linux will be installed.
  • Set up your system with the correct time zone, language, and keyboard layout.
  • Create a strong password for the root user.

5. Finalize Installation

  • After setting up initial configurations, the installer will install Kali Linux on your system.
  • Once the installation is complete, reboot your system and remove the installation media.

Updating and Upgrading

1. Update Package Lists

sudo apt update

2. Upgrade Installed Packages

sudo apt full-upgrade -y

3. Clean Up

sudo apt autoclean
sudo apt autoremove

Using Kali Linux for Penetration Testing

1. Understand Your Tools

Kali Linux comes with numerous tools categorized based on the type of testing:

  • Information Gathering: Tools like Nmap and Wireshark
  • Vulnerability Analysis: Tools like OpenVAS and Nikto
  • Web Applications: Tools like SQLmap and OWASP ZAP
  • Exploitation Tools: Tools like Metasploit and BeEF
  • Wireless Attacks: Tools like Aircrack-ng and Reaver

Explore the ‘Kali Linux Tools’ directory or visit their documentation online for a comprehensive understanding.

2. Network Scanning

  • Use Nmap to scan networks for hosts and open ports.
  • Example scan:

nmap -sV -O target_ip

3. Vulnerability Assessment

  • Utilize tools like OpenVAS to scan for system vulnerabilities.
  • Apply filters to focus on high-severity vulnerabilities.

4. Exploitation

  • Use frameworks like Metasploit to exploit vulnerabilities.
  • Start the Metasploit framework:


  • And choose an appropriate exploit module.

5. Post Exploitation

  • Use tools like Meterpreter to gather further information and leverage access on a compromised system.

6. Maintaining Access

  • Understand remote access tools and backdoors to maintain access for further testing and analysis.

7. Clearing Tracks

  • Always ensure you have permission to perform penetration tests.
  • Learn how to clear logs and tracks after a penetration test to understand the methodologies of malicious attackers.

8. Reporting

  • Document your findings, methodologies, and suggested mitigation strategies.
  • Generate reports for clients or your own records.

Best Practices

  • Stay Legal: Always have explicit permission before testing networks and systems.
  • Keep Learning: The cybersecurity field is constantly evolving. Stay updated on the latest trends and tools.
  • Practice: Set up your own lab environment using virtual machines like VirtualBox or VMware to practice your skills ethically.
  • Stay Ethical: Adhere to a code of ethics and never use penetration testing tools and knowledge for malicious activities.

Remember, Kali Linux and its tools are powerful and should be used responsibly and ethically. Mastery of penetration testing takes time and practice, so keep learning and practicing to develop your skills.
