
How to Select and Implement a Next-Generation Antivirus Solution for Endpoints

November 27, 20234 min read


In the security landscape, endpoint protection is critical as it pertains to securing computers, phones, and other devices that connect to your network. Traditional antivirus solutions are no longer sufficient due to advanced threats evolving daily. As such, next-generation antivirus (NGAV) solutions have emerged, offering advanced capabilities such as machine learning, behavioral analysis, and cloud-based analytics to protect against modern threats. Below is detailed guidance on how to select and implement an NGAV solution.

Understanding Next-Generation Antivirus

Before you choose an NGAV solution, it’s important to understand what makes it “next-generation”:

  • Behavioral Detection: Rather than relying solely on signature-based detection, NGAV focuses on behavior to catch malware that has never been seen before.
  • Machine Learning: Uses algorithms to predict, identify, and block potential threats based on characteristics.
  • Cloud Integration: Cloud capabilities allow for real-time database updates and scalability.
  • Automation: The ability to automatically respond to threats without human intervention.

Selecting a Next-Generation Antivirus Solution

1. Assess Your Needs

  • Identify Your Assets: Document what types of devices need protection in your organization.
  • Determine Your Threat Model: Understand the types of threats your business faces.

2. Compare Solutions

  • Features and Capabilities: Evaluate the features against your company’s needs.
    • Real-time threat intelligence
    • Behavioral analysis
    • Machine learning capabilities
  • Performance Impact: Consider how the NGAV solution impacts system performance.
  • Usability: The solution should be user-friendly for your IT team and end-users.

3. Vendor Reputation and Support

  • Vendor Reputation: Research the NGAV vendor’s reputation in the industry.
  • Customer Support: Review support options and responsiveness.

4. Integration With Existing Systems

  • Compatibility: Ensure the NGAV solution works with existing infrastructure.
  • Scalability: Can the solution scale as your business grows?

5. Cost Analysis

  • Understand the total cost of ownership, including licensing, implementation, and maintenance.

Implementing a Next-Generation Antivirus Solution

1. Planning and Preparation

  • Implementation Plan: Develop a clear plan detailing timelines and responsibilities.
  • Backup Data: Always ensure that data is securely backed up before implementation.
  • Test Environment: Use a test environment to simulate the deployment.

2. Deployment

  • Phased Rollout: Start by deploying NGAV to a small, controlled group.
  • Monitor Performance: Evaluate system performance and any issues that arise.
  • User Education: Inform end-users about new security measures.

3. Configuration and Tuning

  • Policy Configuration: Set up security policies that align with your business needs.
  • Fine-tuning: Optimize settings for maximum effectiveness and minimal false positives.

4. Integration

  • Automate Response: Integrate NGAV with other security systems for coordinated response.
  • Logging and Reporting: Ensure solution logs events and integrates with SIEM systems, if available.

5. Ongoing Management

  • Regular Updates: Keep the software and threat database regularly updated.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Use real-time monitoring and incident response capabilities.
  • Performance Reviews: Regularly review NGAV performance and adjust as needed.

6. Training and Awareness

  • Staff Training: Regularly train staff on security practices related to NGAV.
  • Stay Informed: Keep abreast of new threats and adjust the NGAV configuration accordingly.


Selecting and implementing a next-generation antivirus solution for your endpoints is a multi-faceted process that involves careful planning, comparison of potential solutions, and thorough implementation. Ensuring the NGAV solution fits within your organization’s environment and is capable of responding to evolving threats is critical. By following the structured approach outlined above, your organization can effectively secure its endpoints and maintain a strong defense against increasingly sophisticated cyber threats.
