
How to Use Social Engineering for Targeted Penetration Testing Scenarios

November 27, 20234 min read

Social engineering is a technique where the attacker manipulates individuals into performing actions or divulging confidential information. In penetration testing (pen-testing), it attempts to exploit human vulnerabilities to gain access to systems, data, or premises. Below are detailed steps on how to use social engineering in targeted pen-testing scenarios.

Understanding the Target

  • Research: Begin by conducting thorough research on the target organization. Gather information about the company’s structure, culture, policies, employees, and recent events through:
    • Public websites
    • Social media platforms
    • Job postings
    • Press releases
  • Identify Personnel: Pinpoint individuals within the organization who have access to valuable information or systems. Look for:
    • IT staff
    • Executives
    • Human Resources representatives
    • Front desk personnel

Social Engineering Techniques

  • Phishing: Craft and send convincing emails that appear to come from trusted sources and contain:
    • Compelling subject lines.
    • Authorized logos and signatures
    • Links to fake websites or attachments with malicious payloads
  • Vishing: Use phone calls to extract information or influence actions. Prepare:
    • A believable backstory
    • Caller ID spoofing to appear legitimate
    • Questions that lead to revealing sensitive information
  • Impersonation/Pretexting: Pretend to be someone with legitimate business reasons to access information. You might pose as:
    • An IT technician claiming there is an issue with an account
    • An external auditor requiring access to certain documents
    • A fellow employee needing login credentials for a supposedly common task
  • Baiting: Leave malware-infected USB drives or CDs in areas where employees might discover them. These could be labeled with terms like:
    • “Employee Salary Info”
    • “Confidential”
    • “Company Strategy Plan”

Planning the Attack

  • Select Method: Choose the most suitable social engineering technique based on research.
  • Create Scenarios: Develop realistic scenarios that the target is likely to encounter.
  • Build Trust: Establish trust through repeated contact or leveraging known contacts within the company.
  • Design Tools and Payloads: Customize phishing emails, create fake web pages, or program malware according to the chosen technique.


  • Timing: Launch the attack when the target is most vulnerable (e.g., during busy hours or right after a major company announcement).
  • Communication: Be confident and persuasive, whether written or oral, during the execution.
  • Follow-Up: If initial contact doesn’t yield results, follow up with additional communications to reinforce the pretext.

Training and Awareness

  • Debrief: After completion, inform the target organization of the vulnerabilities exploited.
  • Training: Provide training sessions to educate staff on social engineering tactics.
  • Reporting: Document the test and social engineering strategies used for reference in further training and pen-testing reports.

Ethical Considerations and Legal Compliance

  • Permission: Ensure that you have explicit permission from the organization to perform social engineering tests.
  • Scope: Respect the boundaries of the scope agreed upon with the organization.
  • Integrity: Do not unnecessarily damage the reputation or emotional state of the target individuals.
  • Confidentiality: Securely handle any information obtained during the test and report it to the appropriate parties.

Using social engineering in targeted pen-testing scenarios requires careful planning, an in-depth understanding of human psychology, and an ethical approach. It’s crucial always to act within the legal framework and with the consent of the organization. A successful social engineering pen-test highlights human vulnerabilities within the security system and paves the way for better training and more robust defense mechanisms.
