
How to Perform Remote Binary Exploitation on Protected Systems

November 27, 20234 min read

Binary exploitation is a complex field that focuses on finding and exploiting vulnerabilities in binary applications. The process involves a series of steps, from initial reconnaissance to gaining access and control over a system. Below is a detailed guide on how to perform remote binary exploitation on protected systems, strictly for educational purposes. Engaging in unauthorized system access or exploitation is illegal and unethical.

Pre-Assessment and Reconnaissance

  • Information Gathering: Collect as much information as possible about the target system, including:
    • Operating system and version
    • Network structure and security measures
    • Running services and their versions
    • Potential entry points and exposed vulnerabilities
  • Identify the Binary: Determine which remotely accessible binary (or binaries) might contain exploitable vulnerabilities.
  • Legal and Ethical Considerations: Ensure that you have permission to perform penetration testing on the remote system.

Vulnerability Analysis

  • Static Analysis:
    • Use tools such as IDA Pro, Ghidra, or Radare2 to disassemble and decompile the binary.
    • Look for known patterns of vulnerabilities, such as:
      • Buffer overflows
      • Format string vulnerabilities
      • Off-by-one errors
      • Use-after-free issues
  • Dynamic Analysis:
    • Utilize debuggers and runtime instrumentation tools like GDB, Valgrind, or Binary Ninja to trace execution flow and inspect memory states.
    • Perform fuzzing using tools like AFL or Boofuzz to discover unexpected program behaviors that might lead to vulnerabilities.

Exploit Development

  • Crafting the Payload:
    • Develop a payload that takes advantage of the identified vulnerabilities to alter the execution flow of the binary.
    • Determine suitable shellcode or return-oriented programming (ROP) chains for the exploit.
  • Bypassing Protections:
    • Investigate and devise strategies to circumvent security mechanisms, such as:
      • Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)
      • Non-Executable (NX) stack
      • Stack Canaries
      • Control Flow Integrity (CFI)
    • Use techniques like return-to-libc, ROP, or Jump-Oriented Programming (JOP) to bypass these defenses.

Testing the Exploit

  • Local Testing:
    • Test the exploit in a controlled environment that mimics the target system as closely as possible.
    • Debug and refine the exploit to ensure reliability and prevent unintended behaviors.
  • Remote Testing:
    • Use a staged approach to avoid crashing the remote service or triggering security alerts.
    • Begin with benign payloads to confirm control over the execution flow.
    • Progress to payloads that execute non-destructive commands.


  • Ensuring Access:
    • Make sure the remote service or application is running and accessible.
    • Confirm that preliminary checks like port scanning do not raise suspicion.
  • Exploit Execution:
    • Carefully execute the exploit against the target system.
    • Monitor the system’s response to assess the exploit’s success.
  • Establishing Persistence:
    • If successful, take steps to maintain access, such as installing a reverse shell or adding an SSH key.

Post-Exploitation and Cleanup

  • System Exploration:
    • Once access is gained, document the system’s state and any sensitive data accessed.
    • Identify any other potential targets from the compromised system.
  • Covering Tracks:
    • Remove any evidence of the exploit, including logs and payloads.
    • Terminate any processes or services that were started as part of the exploitation process.
  • Reporting:
    • Prepare a detailed report of the exploitation process, the vulnerabilities exploited, and recommendations for remediation.
    • Share the findings with the system owner or the responsible security team in accordance with legal and ethical guidelines.


Performing remote binary exploitation requires expertise in various aspects of computer security, extensive planning, and a responsible approach. This guide outlines the steps required for a structured exploitation process, but it is crucial to emphasize that actual exploitation attempts should only be carried out in a legal and controlled environment. Unauthorized attempts are against the law and can result in severe consequences. It is important to use the knowledge for improving security rather than exploiting it for malicious purposes.
